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I have einiklach families and would like to send Bubbygrams to them.
Bubbygram rules and conditions:
• Bubbygrams are only for einiklach in the Lakewood Cheder and/or Bais Faiga.
• Bubbygrams can only be purchased by a bubby or zaidy of a student in the Lakewood Cheder and/or Bais Faiga.
• Bubbygrams can only be purchased for ALL of your einiklach in the Lakewood Cheder and/or Bais Faiga (not select ones).
• For questions regarding bubbygrams, please call (732) 270-6479, between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm.
Additional Information
Only enter this field if you were told to do so by a staff member.
Lakewood Cheder Bais Faiga is a non-profit 501c3 organization.