Go for it All
1 2 Tickets in every prize
Gift Card
1. Furnish Your Palace
2. Custom Tailored
3. Grocery Giveaway
4. Grand Decor
5. Jewels
6. Flying High
7. Cash Out
8. Splendid Wardrobe
9. Look Your Best
10. Hit the Jackpot
11. Brilliant
12. Swing Away
13. Men's Attire
14. Get Organized
15. Sterling Dream
16. Bright Choice
17. Fill your Shranks
18. Appliance Upgrade
19. For Mom & Baby
20. Spruce Up Your Party!
21. Easy Simcha
22. Shop Till You Drop
23. Smartly Dressed
24. Bon Voyage
25. Shopping Spree
26. Kids R Us
27. Match Them All
28. Appliance Gallery
29. Beautiful Bedding
30. Shop Judaica
31. Something for Everyone
32. Elegant Look
33. Furniture Deal
34. Gift It
35. Sweet Child
36. Well Dressed
37. Always Amazing
38. Oif Simchas
39. Dress For Success
40. Hats Off to You
41. Luxurious Linen
42. For Your Little One
43. Toys Galore
44. Clothing Dream
45. Capture It
46. Decorate
47. Make a Carnival
48. Elegant Occasions
49. Refresh
50. Reach Up High
51. What a Treat
52. Grill Time
53. Peace of Mind
54. Crafts for You
55. Cloud Nine
56. Dazzling
57. Sort it Out
58. Dressed to a 'T'
59. Classy
60. Treat Yourself
Additional General Donation

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       Order Total: $

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Lakewood Cheder Bais Faiga is a non-profit 501c3 organization.